Mind Transformation

Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens.

We pecialise in enabling clients to use their minds more effectively in overcoming difficulties, achieving goals and realising their true potential. We also Coach individual clients to build conflict intelligence and develop skills in managing conflicts and interpersonal difficulties. As a Mediator we specialise in helping people deal with conflict arising in the community or workplace or as a result of couples separating. As a Trainer we deliver very practical, enjoyable and results oriented courses.While mindfulness is innate, it can be cultivated through proven techniques, particularly seated, walking, standing, and moving meditation and we insert short pauses into everyday life;and merging meditation practice with other activities, such as yoga or sports.


The brain works like a big computer. It processes information that it receives from the senses and body, and sends messages back to the body. But the brain can do much more than a machine can: humans think and experience emotions with their brain, and it is the root of human intelligence.


Start your day with positive affirmations. Focus on all the good things even if it is small. Always transform negative self-talk into positive self-talk. Always set small goals as stepping stones to your success.


Transforming your life involves going beyond the way you live, co-creating a better life for yourself, and changing the way you live. You do this by using your thoughts, visualization, words, faith, actions, or a combination of them.


We think you’ll agree with us when we say:

The power of positive thinking is remarkable.

In fact, the idea that your mind can change your world almost seems too good to be true.

We can assure you, however, that we have experienced AND witnessed the good that focusing on the positive can bring.

But before we get into that, let us ask you a question.

Can you guess what the most successful and happy people think about all day long?

The answer is quite simple…

Healthy, happy people think about what they want, and how to get it, most of the time. In this way developing a positive attitude can truly change your entire life.


When we carry around this heavy feeling of fear-based thinking in the pit of our stomachs it can stop us from fully being involved in the beautiful Oneness of life.

So today we will discuss on how to overcome fear. This is the best thing you can do so that the fear doesn’t manifest into your life as things you really do not want.

Fear is a very clear emotion that you can identify almost instantly when it occupies your body. Your heart can beat faster, you might feel tense, your body goes rigid and in intense cases you might get a nasty bout of the squirts.


The morning is the most important part of the day. It’s the beginning of your journey, each and every day. The quality of your mornings is reflecting the outcomes for the entire day. If productivity is what you’re seeking, a thorough morning routine that includes healthy habits and effective planning will take you far.

Today, we are sharing the morning mindset ritual that has been very useful to feel focused, calm, and motivated before you start your day. If you’re looking for ways to improve your mindset and make your mornings more intentional, we hope this gives you some inspiration.


Negative thinking contributes to anxiety in social and performance situations. Most therapies for social anxiety involve an aspect dedicated to changing negative thought patterns into more helpful and positive ways of looking at situations.

One of the first steps toward changing your negative thinking patterns is understanding exactly how you think right now. For example, if you tend to view yourself as a complete success or failure in every situation, then you are engaging in “black-and-white” thinking. Other negative thinking patterns include jumping to conclusions, catastrophizing, and overgeneralization.


When it comes to your relationship with yourself, you can be your own best friend or biggest enemy. It doesn’t matter how many people you know. You will always be in attendance, making it the most important one on the list. But do you know why?

TSelf-value is more behavioral than emotional, more about how you act toward what you value, including yourself, than how you feel about yourself compared to others. It necessarily includes self-care.

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